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C. Russell Brumfield
will be missed but never forgotten

Our friend and colleague C. Russell Brumfield made his transition recently.

Russell had a way of pushing you beyond your limits which at the time you pushed back due to doubt. However in hindsight you were grateful to learn you could do so many more things than you dared on your own.
Russell was the founder and CEO of Whiff Solutions International, the world’s leading scent marketing and branding strategy firm catering to Fortune 1000 companies. Considered leading experts in research, technology, and application of non-traditional scent, he was an active board member of the Scent Marketing Institute. Consider learning more by reading “Whiff! The Revolution of Scent Communication in the Information Age” the book he wrote with James Goldney and Stephanie Gunning.
Every bit the classic entrepreneur, Brumfield has built several multimillion-dollar companies in the fields of entertainment, events, and experiential design. He is a visionary and frontrunner in this exploding new industry, and was a popular and sought after speaker for international audiences.
We are proud that Russell was a member of the LinktoEXPERT collaborative community and appreciate the insights he shares to expand and elevate each other.
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