If you or your company have a favorite charity, this is the perfect way to show major support with only a minor investment...
Here’s how it works:
- Your charity gets a full 12 minutes on the air (that’s a whole lot of airtime!) designed to be uplifting, highlighting their successes
- You sponsor them by making the airtime investment for them (at such a low cost, it's a very affordable way to provide public support of your charity)
- You and the charity get much more for the investment beyond the huge benefit of getting them in front of tens of thousands of listeners, like:
* They get a professionally produced PSA to keep and use again & again
* You get a :60 professionally produced ad spot for your business, it's
aired during the show, plus a “brought to you by” announcement before & after
their segment, and
* even more depending on which package you choose.
And, of course, all of this is tax deductible!
If you want to take advantage of this terrific, only-one-of its-kind opportunity, email terri@boomerradioshow.com with your contact information, and they will get the details to you pronto!
Let's get your charity on the air - sponsored by....you!
Thank you Boomer Nation! For another win win win offer!