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The Amazing Woman FREE MEET-UP......Sisterhood for Positive Living
Your Heart Centered Life -- Our Spiritual Nature ... Our AUTHENTICITY...
Join us for an inspirational event, and listen to fabulous presenters, such as ~ Mary Lou Houllis...Talking about our Spiritual Nature From our Heart Center ~ Ann Hughey and Joan Mcgarry sharing Inspirations from the Heart ~ Janet Lee Journey Dance!!! Explore your journey with music and movement! ~ Life Coaches Sharon Kistler and Terri Cabral - Sharing Powerful Tips on Authentic living Thursday February 19th 7-9pm Crystal Beach Community Center 517 Crystal Beach Ave. Palm Harbor Area **(Just south of Alderman Rd. go west at Emily's Restaurant, Crystal Beach ....pass Post Office on right...pass Vincent St. Community Center on Left Pink Building) Call: 727-687- 5764 or 727- 474 - 7479 NOTE on Parking: In front of building and across the street is OK... but No Parking in front of the CORNER house across the street, as there are plants around trees. Thanks.... also parking down around corner just a bit and by the park on right. We are so excited for this great gathering !! This is going to be an Awesome and Fun Meet Up!!! ALL WELCOME...BRING YOUR FRIENDS!! Enjoy refreshments and you may bring a small snack for our table, if you'd like. SISTERHOOD FOR Positive Living! Call Shar: 727-687-5764 for more information (Love Donations appreciated! $5 suggested) Also this coming week... The Amazing Woman Success Network Breakfast at the Paradise Restaurant in Safety Harbor Main street A great topic: SUCCESS STARTS WITH A VISION FROM THE HEART OUR SPEAKERS: MONDAY FEBRUARY 23rd 2015 ... 10am at the Paradise Restaurant in Safety Harbor!! ALL WELCOME!!
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