Fast forward your fame & fortune together
Cyber Monday - Get 2 Sales Funnels for the price of 1
Imagine together you and your colleague:
• Create clear, compelling content
• Develop passive streams of income
• Design joint ventures
Your wealth will increase rapidly, your status will elevate as you strategize & implement your ideas
To redeem your 2 for 1 LinktoEXPERT membership (what you need to do):
1. Contact us on 11/28/16:
a. Email -
b. Text – (727) 243.9453
c. Call – (727) 791.7338
2. Provide your qualifications
3. Pay 1 payment of $1250 (vs. $2500 - a $1250 savings) or 3 monthly payments of $475
Create, Collaborate, Celebrate!