Chapter Free Social
Tuesday October 30th- 5:00pm to 7:30pm
The Craftsman House Gallery & Café
2955 Central Ave, St Pete, FL 33713

RSVP on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/169881003894457/
Or on Eventbrite at:
Tampa Bay is an amazing community for Social Enterprises & Non-profits. If you are a social enterprise, want to work with social enterprises, interested in becoming a social enterprise or want to know what social enterprise means, please join us on October 30th at 5:30pm at Craftsman House Gallery & Cafe in St Pete.
This networking opportunity will allow you to connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, foster local connections and collaborate with others in your community.
Plus there will some interactive activities, a cash bar (beer & wine ), finger food, door prizes and more....
See You There!