Let's say . . .
You're at a precipice with your career? You hate your job. Do you stay for the big bucks or shift gears and do what you love?
You work for a cryptocurrency company and bit coin has just gone down the drain? What do you do now?
A member of your management team has no understanding of the business. He's driving you nuts, and he's your boss's son?
Answer . . .
Spanda Cards for the Entrepreneurial Spirit the first card deck to bridge ancient wisdom & business acumen.
A proactive desk-top oracle that will stretch your thinking, provoke creative action, and build resiliency. Specifically for entrepreneurs, business owners, and employees.

What Is Spanda?
Spanda, pronounced SPAHnda, is a Sanskrit word meaning "throb" or "vibration." The concept is derived from the ancient wisdom texts of India and the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, a system of transformation based on the recognition of our highest human potential. Spanda is also defined as the pulsation before creation, the spark we feel and sense when we look within.
So, whenever you need to capture the essence of an important question or conundrum . . are upset about a conversation you had with a client or boss . . . are confused about next steps? need a creative jolt . . .
Perfect for Holiday Gifting!
"Spanda Cards are an entrepreneur's secret weapon! No more frustration when stuck in neutral. Your drawn Spanda Card opens you up to the new possibilities you've been waiting for-the one's you just knew were there, but couldn't quite grasp. Relax into its wisdom and find your pathway eased and expanded beyond your imagination." -Jackie Lapin, founder of SpeakerTunity.com, and Conscious Media Relation.