Podcast Episode: Conspiracy of Goodness
I was a guest on the Conspiracy of Goodness Podcast! Take a listen as I chat with Dr. Lynda about the age of Conscious Capitalism and why kindness is thriving in business!
"Houston, We have a Vinny..."
Last week I began a new journey at the University of Houston. I am working on a
Masters of Science in Foresight, or "future studies" as it is known academically. Established in 1974 the UH foresight program is a great opportunity for me to expand my body of work to evolve economics.
Live Event (Tampa Bay)
SPSA is holding a roundtable discussion about guaranteed income for St. Pete artists–copying a pilot program in San Francisco. Considering Monday Labor Day, all the talk about UBI, and my interest in the Unlocking the Labor Cage, I am hoping to check this out. Besides, Hawthorne Bottle Shoppe is a favorite.