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Decisions are Emotional
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Decisions Are Emotional

Geyen Group Appearance Management




I have heard the comment "when emotions are involved; it is not a good time to make decisions" from top dogs at business conferences. Which I agreed with and then broke it out to; you always make a good decision when understanding the science, doing the math, and strategy. 


I was wrong, and the comment is inappropriate. Please give me a few minutes to prove it in this newsletter.


To begin, please understand what we do.


We clean commercial carpets in professional buildings. Is it fun?  No, not really.     Does the service feed families and pay rent and car payments?  YES.  Does cleaning brighten offices, and is the reason carpet lasts longer, and the fiber feels softer to the touch? YES. Does cleaning show up in person smiles and less angst, and does it filter the air, so breathing is gentler? YES.


Do you get where I am going?


Our program might be called "improvement maintenance." Of course, we regularly improve the condition, look and feel of carpet; that is a given. We also see an overall improvement in the staff's health, safety, and demeanor.


The decision to schedule a carpet cleaning service is not always easy. When we consider the cost, the budget, and the boss, a sane person might run for the hills, afraid of making the wrong decision.


Can you see all the emotion in these words and actions? Happiness is buying groceries and loving the homeplace,  joy in a brighter and healthier office setting, and fear is facing a boss who may disagree with the buying decision.


There is no need to feel fear. Your job is not to know everything about the how, why, and when of carpet cleaning. That's our business, and we do it every day. 


We do the heavy lifting in presenting just the right program to you and your boss.


And, your job? Make the intelligent decision for your company. Remember, there is strength in feelings, and don't forget to ask for help.


Decisions indeed are emotional.


Your Cleaning Matters…….



How Your Emotions Influence Your Decisions

We would love to schedule a time to get to know your business better and see what we might be able to provide to make your life a little cheaper and a little easier. You can schedule a time using our Calendly link HERE.

Thank you for taking the time to read our message and we look forward to speaking with you soon!

Geyen Group South Website

Geyen Group South| Email Address |813.882.9655


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