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I've been extremely naughty!
2023 recap from our friend Jane Ubell-Meyer

December 26, 2023

Dear Friends,


Yes, I admit it, I've been naughty--I really "shoulda" sent my holiday greetings email out sooner..and even though my heart was in the spirit, I was feeling the feeling of just being. I do think we can all be a little kinder to ourselves and just be.

And now I am in the mood!


We hope you are enjoying your holidays!

It's been a great 2023, personally and professionally.


I feel blessed. We have two new family members! We welcomed daughter-in-law, Laurie, and sister-in-law, Erin. Hopefully, I will be able to put my knitting skills into action (not too subtle a hint!)


And check out The, my brother's wedding and our son Alex was the officiant!


Christmas in the Hamptons--is magical! our books were (are) there for guests of our partner hotels.


We hope that you all took the time to unplug and perhaps read a little.



Below: Christmas at the Baker House 1650, East Hampton, NY


Below: Christmas at Topping Rose House, Bridgehampton NY

Below: Christmas at Journey East Hampton, NY


Christmas at Southampton Inn, Southampton NY


Above: Christmas at Mill House Inn, East Hampton NY




Above, Jane and Rick in Palm Springs



The one thing I have learned about working with authors and publishers is that book marketing never stops. 


I don't care when the book was published, it's important to keep getting your name out there and growing your fan base, whether it's for sales or to interest Hollywood filmmakers, whatever the reason--keep it going!


Here's a complimentary 30-day book marketing guide!


A great way to get the word out shout it out to the world! Literally the world!


 Join our 3rd Annual Book Cover Awards! 


Last year we had thousands of voters from all over the world ( far away as Vietnam, Kenya, Iceland, Sweden, Germany, France, and so many other countries!


And...If you don't LOVE your book cover, ask yourself, "why not?"

P.S. Need help, we do know a few amazing designers!

Click to enter



?Melanie Herschorn,

a book enthusiast, content marketer, and author.

Why isn’t my book selling?


That’s a question I get from new authors all the time. You’ve likely put in tons of effort, brainpower, and not to mention money, and now book sales are trickling in, if that.


Here are some questions to ask yourself. These can help you determine your next best step toward getting more books sales:


Q. Did I miss an important step?


A. Authors are often encouraged to hire a publicist immediately after publishing. While PR professionals can get you great media coverage, that coverage often does not result in book sales. The reason? If you do not have foundational marketing in place–messaging that resonates with your ideal reader, cohesive social media, emails, and website, a free resource that is not a chapter of your book–anyone who searches online to find more about you prior to making a purchase will likely get confused. A confused mind does not make a purchase.


Q. Have I continued to talk about my book after publishing it?


A. Sure, you may have published a few months ago, but that does not mean your book is “old” or “outdated.” Your book is likely evergreen, which means you can continue shareing about it in your marketing. New authors may worry that they are talking about their book too much or feel that as long as they posted about it on Instagram one time, that’s enough. With so much noise coming at people on a daily basis online, not to mention that our followers don’t see much of our posts due to the algorithms, if you want to keep your book top of mind in your community, you want to keep sharing about your book every week.


Q. Am I only posting on social media?


A. Social media is a great tool for building awareness and connection. But to get more book sales, you will want social media marketing to be a part of a much larger book marketing strategy. Are you growing an email list? How about speaking on podcasts and stages? Are you getting media opportunities? These are all important pieces of an overall strategy, that when implemented together, get you more book sales.


Melanie Herschorn, Book Marketing and Publishing Strategist 

To schedule a complimentary clarity call with me, go to 




Click here to apply


When the pandemic hit a few years ago, the subscription box industry blew up and disrupted the majority of industries around the globe. 


And now hundreds of subscription box companies want to include books in their monthly or quarterly boxes. 


Some of them are looking at ebooks and audiobooks now, but most still want paperbacks and journals in the self-growth, wellness, spiritual, and "happiness" space.!


Do you want to sell your book in bulk? Apply to the Indie Book Box!


Don't have a journal to sell?

My Indie Book Box partner, Carrie Severson, is the founder of the hybrid-publishing house, The Unapologetic Voice House. She’s created a package for authors who want to publish journals.


Subscription boxes are always looking for well-written journals and workbooks. Carrie knows the formula for journals as she just created her own to be released this December! 


You’ll work alongside Carrie and her team to create your journal content, cover, and design. 


The Unapologetic Voice House will publish your journal and Indie Book Box will pitch it to subscription boxes. 


APPLY here To learn more about this offer, book a call with Carrie at :


And if you want to sign up here for the program...

Apply Here!



We are welcoming our newest author, Monique de Maio, author of 7 Secrets To Creating A Life You Love



1. I wrote the book because I am a female leader, and there are aspects of my life and career that men just cannot understand because they have simply never had to deal with the same issues. I started my career at IBM, worked on Wall Street, helped turn around a nonprofit, and ran a trade magazine—all before starting the business I have today. And unlike those experiences, my business of today serves my life; my life doesn’t serve my business. That is by design. The journey of having that be the case was not always straight and not always fun. I remember looking for answers, guidance, mentorship, and support, and finding that all the books and articles I could find were written by men.


In those days, it was also very uncommon to find women willing to mentor other women, as we were coming up through the ranks. It was an environment of alpha men and alpha women. It was survival of the fittest for these women, and they did not have the time or inclination to worry about the entry-level women.


I decided a few years ago that I had to help change that for other women. You may also be a high-powered woman leader people go to for answers, guidance, mentorship, support, etcetera. The question is, who do you go to? I am hopeful that this book is the place for you. I packed my fifty-nine years of intellectual curiosity, learning, tips, tricks, and hacks on how I have been able to lead a life of intention and happiness— designed by implementing a few small things in seven key areas. I have blended my own professional and personal takeaways and compiled them all for you so you don’t have to!


2. Writing the book was a bit cathartic for me. As an immigrant who came to this country at the age of 5 (from France) with a family who spoke no English, had no money, connections and very little education, I quickly became the family spokesperson and advocate. I faced bullying, discrimination, sexism and just downright meanness throughout the years.

I tell these stories, and those of 11 other women, within the context of my 7 secrets/chapters, as well as the learnings that came from our collective experiences. I provide takeaways and exercises to do in each of these 7 secrets that I think will help readers create a life they love.


3. I assert that life is ‘simple, not easy’ and that creating a life you love can be done with few simple ‘tweaks’ to the 7 key areas of life I have identified in my book: your voice, time, choice, job, internal narrative, external narrative and environment, you can have a more joyful experience we call ‘life’. The results of making small changes in these 7 key areas provide a ‘compounded interest’ effect that really shows up as significant.


4. Throughout the process, I learned that I have a lot of ‘’ways of being’’ that I’ve developed over the years that turn out to be life hacks, tips and tricks not a lot of people think about or have developed for themselves—and that I wanted to share.

Whether it is color coding my calendar by category (client work, podcast/book, self-care, fitness, networking, family/friends, etc) to quickly see if my day and week and life is in balance, or turning my hangers in the other direction and moving them from right to left to make sure I wear everything in my closet, or having my 3 key words in front of me all day to keep me centered, I have ‘’systems’’ that support me in how I want to show up and ‘’be’’ in the world.



Vacation Plans? Our hotel partners are here!



Tools for all Authors!



We use them and you should too!


An inexpensive way to constantly promote yourself and your books!


Meet our friends at BookMarks Store.


They are giving all Bedside Reading authors a discount!





Please note:

?BookMarks Store has generously offered us an affiliate commission, we are open to receiving and we will donate any commissions to a children's literary charity!



-Jane Ubell-Meyer, Founder

Authors Apply Here
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