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The Peace Whisperer
Incredible story from Randy Peyser



Hi! This is the first time I'm sharing a short story with you that I've personally written. I hope you will take a moment to read this page, and please share it as you wish. Happy Holidays!




by Randy Peyser


© 2023 Carpet Creatures illustration by Thomas A. Ekkens


Fergus was a Peace Whisperer. Eons before humans began to quarrel over anything and everything they could quarrel about, he transcended the earthly plane and was given the chance to assume a new heavenly position.


It was a fitting assignment for Fergus. He cared not for squabbles that began with “It’s mine, not yours” and ended with wounded souls, egos and bodies.


To prepare for his new assignment, he spent a millennium in the Halls of Higher Learning where he absorbed the knowledge of the mystics and the compassion of the saints.


And, at last, when the Great War began and people divided themselves into camps of Us and Them, Fergus was ready. The Great War was not a battle with sticks and stones; it was a prevailing attitude where people worldwide turned against one another if their beliefs did not match.


Both the USes and the THEMs held firmly that they were right and the others were wrong. It mattered not if an issue involved a neighbor’s fence, a country’s borders, or a religious or political viewpoint. When it came down to it, interactions between the USes and the THEMs always played out like two five-year-olds arguing over a toy.


Fergus sighed. What could he possibly whisper into the ears of humans to bring about peace? There was so much discord among humans, and the task seemed impossible. He wrinkled his brow, feeling utterly discouraged. Still, an assignment was an assignment. So, he bit his lip and lit a candle. Sitting in silence, he softened his gaze and watched as the colors in the flame danced from blue to beige to yellow.


Suddenly, he brightened because he knew exactly what to do! One by one, he whispered into the ears of each of the USes and the THEMs. But he did not speak words; instead, he filled each person with the essence of love, for there were no words that could ever bring about peace. Only love would ever melt each person’s heart.


Fergus smiled. He had solved the puzzle that had kept the USes and the THEMs divided for millennia. Love was the only truth that would always lead the USes and the THEMs to peace. The more Fergus whispered love, the more he filled with it himself and the more people felt connected with one another. And, thanks to Fergus, the day finally came when there were no more USes and THEMs, and the only thing that existed among all humans was love.


The image above (Catalog Number 0-2) is one of many illustrations by Thomas A. Ekkens from a series called “Carpet Creatures,” which is inspired by images that percolate to the surface of a deep-pile carpet. You can see the entire collection of Carpet Creatures at join in the fun, select images from write your reactions to them. You can write stories, poems, captions, or other thoughts in whatever format you choose, and add titles if you wish. Send your writing (including the catalog number) to




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