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Cocktails in Westport!
Join us! plus New Books for the Hamptons! Bestsellers are Here!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Dear Friends,


The Hamptons are open! We were there for Mother's Day Weekend (which went by so quickly) and are now getting ready for Memorial Day!

Lots of events this summer! We're having a cocktail/author event in Westport, CT on Tuesday, June 11th. If you are in the area, please join us. RSVP: 


Tell Jane you heard about this amazing event from LinktoEXPERT. 


Join us!

June 11th in Westport with

Jeanne Blasberg, Stacey L. Tucker & Philip Myles Dane

RSVP here

Mill House Inn

MARRAM Montauk

Southampton Inn

1708 House

Journey East Hampton

Baker House 1650

In case you missed it!

3,000+ votes from 40+ countries!?

And the winners...?


Grave Duty by Colleen Helme (cover design by

The Boots Rain by Kelly Anne Manuel

In the Garden Behind the Moon by Alexandra Chan (cover design by David Fassett)


Sign up here for our

Winter Book Cover Awards (Winners will be announced on December 31, 2024!)

We'd like to welcome our newest hotel partner!




Angela Terry, author of The Palace at Dusk

Q: Why did you write this book?

A: The initial inspiration for The Palace at Dusk came from my readers. In my last novel, The Trials of Adeline Turner, Jasmine was the main character’s work nemesis at their fictional law firm, Gilchrist & Jenkins. At the end of that book, there’s a hint that Jasmine has a secret romance with another secondary character; and afterwards, many readers asked me, “What’s Jasmine’s story?” So I decided she deserved a book of her own to tell her backstory.

For the plot inspiration, I’ve seen many friends and acquaintances find themselves in difficult marriages or relationships, and so I wanted to write about a more complex romantic relationship, in this case an extra-marital affair, and portray it in a realistic, but also empathetic, way told from the perspective of “the other woman.”


Q:What do you hope people will take away from this book?

A: I’m hoping this book will spark discussion. Some of my favorite books are those where I totally disagree with what the character is doing, and silently screaming “Nooo,” while continuing to turn the pages.

My intention for writing this book is that it would be both thought-provoking and emotionally engaging for the reader. Even if they disagree with Jae’s choices, I’m hoping they’ll wonder, “What would I do in this type of situation? Or what would I tell a friend to do?” Hopefully this story will be something the reader will keep thinking about and want to discuss with others when they finish the last page.


Q:Tell us about your writing process?

A: I’m a “pantser,” which means I write by the seat of my pants instead of outlining my stories beforehand. I’ll have a general idea about a scene or a character, and I will just start writing. If the story seems to fizzle out or I lose interest, then I stop writing. But if I can imagine the middle and end of the story, and finish a first messy draft while staying engaged with the characters, then I know I have something. From there I’ll reread that first draft, pull things apart to restructure the story, and then that’s where the real writing begins—in the editing.


Q:Do you have any other projects in the works?

A: I do! I’m currently working on a couple other women’s fiction titles. One is a sequel to my debut novel Charming Falls Apart, and another features Jasmine’s sister, Saffron, as the main character.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

My favorite part of being an author is connecting with readers. Whenever a reader reaches out to me to say how much they enjoyed the book—that they related to a character or a situation, or the book appeared at the right time in their life—it’s the best feeling and fuels me to keep writing.



Vacation Plans? Our hotel partners are here!



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They are giving all Bedside Reading authors a discount!





Please note:

?BookMarks Store has generously offered us an affiliate commission, we are open to receiving and we will donate any commissions to a children's literary charity!



-Jane Ubell-Meyer, Founder

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