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Dancing from the Inside Out
June 2024 Newsletter



Dancing from the Inside Out 

June 2024 Newsletter


Juno was connected with all aspects of the life of women, most particularly married life. Juno , in Roman Religion, she was the chief goddess and female counterpart of Jupiter closely resembling the Greek Hera, with whom she was identified. With Jupiter and Minerva, she was a member of the Capitoline triad of deities traditionally introduced by the Etruscan kings. Juno was connected with all aspects of the life of women, most particularly married life. Ovid (Fasti, Book V) relates that Juno was jealous of Jupiter for giving birth to Minerva from his own head. After Flora gave her an herb, Juno gave birth to Mars.

As Juno Lucina, goddess of childbirth, she had a temple on the Esquiline from the 4th century BC. In her role as female comforter she assumed various descriptive names. Individualized, she became a female guardian angel; as every man had his genius, so every woman had her juno. Thus, she represented, in a sense, the female principle of life.




June 28, 2024- 4pm


Mermaids and the Goddess Atargatis

Mermaids can be found from every culture and from all continents. There once was a goddess who is believed to be the inspiration to all the mermaid's stories that have been told around the world for thousands and thousands of years. This goddess was Assyrian goddess Atargatis.
​Atargatis was the goddess of the moon, feminine powers and water. She was worshipped 4000–3000 years ago in ancient Assyria and later on all over the Mediterranean.

 The story of Atargatis takes us to the roots of mermaid stories and legends. Water is the element of emotions. Atargatis went through a transformation because of a broken heart. Till to this day image of a mermaid contains the same elements which goddess Atargatis possess. Healing powers of water, the beauty that cannot be hidden, the magic of womanhood and connections to the moon, waves and emotions.

Sometimes waters can feel scary and threatening. We don´t know what mysteries lie within the deep. Atargatis is the goddess of transformation who guides her followers to face their fears and their darkest selves so that they can love and appreciate all that they are.


 You are invited to come and celebrate Goddesses and Mermaids Goddess Gathering of Tampa Bay pool party at my home.

Please R.S.V.P.

Donation $10



Recipe of the Month


Marinara Sauce

Tomato Paste

Tomato Sauce

3-5 Garlic Cloves

Basil Leaves (Fresh) or Dried

Italian Seasoning

Bay Leaves

Instructions: Sauté garlic in water or olive oil Low heat.

Add Tomato Paste when garlic is browned add tomato sauce and whole plum tomatoes. add seasonings and cook on low heat for an hour. The more it cooks the more the seasonings flavor the marinara sauce.

Boil your favorite pasta and mix with the marinara sauce!!




Would you like to learn how you can eat a plant based nutritional diet?

Based on the Eat To Live Dr Fuhrman

I am certified in Nutritional Plant -Based Eating program with Dr Fuhrman. Would you like to learn how to prepare and cook delicious plant-based meals ?Come and learn the wonderful benefits such as weight loss, lowering blood pressure, boosting immunity. You will enjoy knowing the importance of eating for your nutritional health and well-being,

Call or text me if you would like to know more about healing your body with nutrition.


Dance Fusion

Monday 4:30-5:30pm

Hale Senior Activity Center

330 Douglas Ave, Dunedin FL

Special rates for Private Lessons!!


Stretch Move and Tone Class

Monday 9-9:50am

Dunedin Recreation Center

Pinehurst Ave, Dunedin FL

( Cost varies with membership)



Dance in particular has been shown with several studies to decrease anxiety and boost mood more than any other physical activity.


Private Lessons and

  Belly Dancing classes and parties available!

Private Stretch Classes




Dance and Move Without Limits!

A synergy of the body/ mind connection, balance and centeredness . Dansergy is my new dance program and I look forward to dancing with you in 2024!

Embrace the body's healing power and wisdom . Come home to your body and be in it and learn to be comfortable in your own skin.   Discover the healing powers of dance. Love being in your body and moving in it!  Open the chakras and flow like a Goddess. You have a body, and you have a innate dancer waiting to come alive within you.  Set her free to dance, dance, dance!        



 2018 Award-Winning book Dancing with your story from the inside out won an award for the best self help book. Discover your own story and find out ways to let it go and live a happy and healthy life!

My award winning book is available on and Barnes and Noble

Call or email Arielle for a FREE coaching, stretching or dance session!!!

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