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Free Pass! Jun 20-21
Business Growth Buffet Global EDUnetworking Virtual Conference



Please tell Jackie you heard about this amazing offer from LinktoEXPERT: 

Are you hungry to take your business to the next level? 


Join me as my free guest at the Grand Connection Business Growth Buffet on June 20 & 21 to experience recipes of success, networking and gifts for everyone. 


I am honoured to be a part of this transformation EDUnetworking event where I will be speaking about Writing Your Awe-Inspiriting Speaker Biography


Experts from the Grand Connection community (including me!) will provide you  with valuable snack-size tips and free gifts to fill your plate with new strategies, insights and practical tips to grow your business.


We will take you on a delicious business journey. In between each course, you will have the opportunity to meet other businesses from around the globe in breakout rooms to network, share ideas and collaborate.


After the buffet, we invite you to stay for the after party to mingle and make more Grand Connections.


See our Menu and Reserve Your Seat!

  • Hors d’oeuvre: Mindset
  • Appetizers: Inspiration & Action
  • Main Course: Marketing, Sales, Systems and Finance
  • Dessert: Many Networking Breakouts sprinkled throughout the event


This event promises to provide sweet connections, zesty ideas and a large dash of inspiration!


Dates: June 20-21, 2024 (Thursday & Friday)

Time: 10am – 2:30pm PDT | 1pm – 5:30pm EDT | 6pm – 10:30pm BST (UK)


Click here now to join me for the Business Growth Buffet Conference


We can’t wait to share our success recipes with you and network during breakouts! 


This is going to be grand!


P.S. Haven't been to a Grand Connection event yet?

The Grand Connection is a supportive global community that helps you to reach your Grand Potential through collaboration and Grand Giving.  


Learn more and save your spot here.


PPS Come and go as you please. Everyone attending will receive our conference magazine to savour the learning and recordings for months to come plus thousands in gifts from our speakers.


Get Free Access to the Business Buffet Conference

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