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What does a $25,000,000 networking event look like?
with The Guy Who Knows a Guy

Dear Networker:

When my friend Michael Whitehouse told me he was creating a $25,000,000 networking event, I told him that it sounded like a marketing gimmick.


“It’s not marketing,” he told me. “It’s math.”


Michael Whitehouse, The Guy Who Knows a Guy, is creating an event called JV Connect June 25th and 26th, 2024, and his goal is that it create a total of $25,000,000 of value collectively among everyone who attends.


He is doing this by bringing together a variety of entrepreneurs from established 6/7-figure all the way to those who are just getting started. He is then thoughtfully crafting an environment that will encourage connections, collaborations, and deal making.


The math is simple: 250 participants each get $100,000 of value.


For the established participants, it’s easy to see how that works. Many of them have $10,000, $25,000, and even $50,000 offers. They meet a few new promotional partners, generate a few sales, and they easily achieve that value.


But what about the rest of us? How does the person who just started their business get $100,000 in value?


For that person, they will have the opportunity to speak with more successful business owners at this one event than they’ve met in their lives.

They will meet mentors.

They will learn new ideas.

They will find partners, promoters, coaches, and resources all in one place.


One mentor, one partner, one coach could be worth tens of thousands of dollars to a new business owner, so you can imagine what over a hundred could create.


Will you be a part of it?

Whether you are well established, just getting started, or anywhere in between, you can be part of this incredible $25,000,000 networking event.


And there’s no high ticket offer being made at this event.

There will be no high-pressure pitch.

JV Connect is just connections and very valuable ones.


Get your ticket here.

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