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Four Assassination Attempt Experts for Interview.
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Four Assassination Attempt Experts for Interview.



# 1 Headline: A Lone Wolf Who Took the Rhetoric of Biden and His Backers to Heart - It Was 'Time to Put Trump in the Bullseye.'

As America's Psychiatrist, Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. states:

"Thomas Matthew Crooks could just be a lone wolf who took the rhetoric of Biden and his backers to heart - that it was "time to put Trump in the bullseye" Or he could be a hired assassin.

"We could be watching the Leftist plan play out before our eyes. The endgame may well have always been to assassinate Trump because he was too much of a threat to the Deep State. When they saw Lawfare made Trump more popular instead of stopping him, and Biden's dementia became too obvious at the Debate and NATO; when they saw Biden didn't didn't stand a chance, they 'pulled the trigger' on assassinating Trump and they will try again!

See full news release at:

Contact Info: 310-278-5433






# 2 Headline: ALL THE RAGE: How to Understand and Combat Toxic Anger in This Volatile Culture

How to Understand and Combat Toxic Anger in This Volatile Culture

Beverly Smallwood, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

Is it possible that the level of rising anger in the U.S. has reached a tipping point? Have the political divisiveness, the toxic rhetoric, and the tolerance of hatefulness gone too far? Truth is, if rage were weather, we'd be smack in the middle of a Cat 5 hurricane! Is there any hope for turning it around?

Dr. Beverly Smallwood will equip your audience to create a more constructive culture and to build a richer quality of life by letting go of toxic anger, thinking and acting constructively, and channeling frustrations into constructive problem-solving.

Dr. Smallwood, a licensed psychologist and experienced media resource, is the perfect guest to discuss toxic anger. For over four decades she has worked with people in families and family businesses, organizations, prison, international government organizations and NGO's, and faith-based groups. She's helped them to resolve explosive or simmering anger and to reclaim the ability to work collaboratively with others while staying true to their own deep values.

Dr. Beverly Smallwood may be contacted by email at or by text or phone call to 601.408.0735 (mobile) or 601.264.0890 (office)

See full news release at:





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# 3 Headline: Assassination Attempt Reaction Uncharted Territory in Social Media Era

William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator

The public and political reaction to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is "uncharted territory" in the social media era, said William S. Bike, author of the book Winning Political Campaigns: A Comprehensive Guide to Electoral Success.

"In the past, an assassination or attempted assassination of a President or Presidential candidate also resulted in a polling and popularity boost for the President or the President's party, as the public immediately reacted with sympathy and support," Bike said.

Bike noted that both President Gerald Ford's and President Ronald Reagan's approval ratings rose after assassination attempts, and President Lyndon Johnson's approval rating started out at 76% after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, whose last approval rating was 58%.

"But the era of social media is uncharted territory," Bike said. "After the vile assassination attempt against former President Trump, both Republicans and Democrats began offering opinions on social media that ranged from thoughtful to cruel to ridiculous. Back in the day, one would have expected Americans to close ranks and offer sympathy to former President Trump, and support for President Joe Biden for his remarks condemning the assassination attempt. There has been some of that, but also plenty of criticism of both men, which would not have happened in an earlier, less partisan era."

See the full news release at:

For more information, contact William S. Bike at or (312) 622-6029.



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#4 Headline: Don’t Assume How Assassination Attempt Will Impact Election

Edward Segal --Author of: 'Whistle-Stop Politics: Campaign Trains and the Reporters Who Covered Them'

It's too early to tell how or if yesterday's assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump will affect the November presidential election and that there are other factors that will help determine the outcome.

That's according to Edward Segal, a former campaign manager and aide to congressional candidates, a presidential campaign historian, and a crisis management expert. He's the author of "Whistle-Stop Politics: Campaign Trains and the Reporters Who Covered Them" and "Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies."

"The attempt on Trump's life has created empathy and sympathy for the Republican presidential candidate in many quarters and strengthened the resolve of his supporters to send him back to the White House. But for entrenched supporters of President Joe Biden and independent voters who are more concerned about pocketbook and other pressing issues, it's doubtful that empathy and sympathy alone will be enough to convince them to vote for Trump," Segal said.

He noted that "another factor to consider will be the impact of calls from the leaders of both political parties to cool down the heated rhetoric that has been the hallmark of year's election season. If the temperature is lowered far enough and quickly enough, perhaps the candidates and voters will concentrate exclusively on policies and not focus on personalities."

"Elections can be like riding a new roller coaster for the first time, with unexpected and nerve-wracking ups and downs. Just because a candidate is up today, does not mean he or she won't be down tomorrow," Segal observed.

"We are months away from casting ballots, and there's no telling what other surprises may be in store on the presidential campaign trail between now and then," he commented.

Segal recalled that in 1912, there was an assasination attempt on former president Theodore Roosevelt as he sought re-election to the White House as the nominee of the Progressive Party. Roosevelt refused medical treatment, delivered a lengthy previously scheduled speech, and fully recovered from his wounds. The former Republican lost the race to Democratic presidential nominee Woodrow Wilson.

Threats Against Whistle-Stopping Politicians

In his book, "Whistle-Stop Politics," Segal documents politicians who faced threats while campaigning or traveling by train, including Abraham Lincoln in 1861, President Herbert Hoover in 1932 and Vice President Richard Nixon in 1960.

Abraham Lincoln's whistle-stop train tour from Springfield, Illinois to his inauguration in Washington, DC in 1861 was marked by several threats to the president-elect's life.

For example, after his train left Cincinnati, Ohio, a bomb was discovered in a small carpet bag on a seat in the railroad car that was occupied by Lincoln and his family and friends. The bomb was found only because luggage was prohibited in the car.

The explosive device, which was timed to detonate in fifteen minutes, was quickly deactivated. It "would have exploded with a force sufficient to have demolished the car and destroyed the lives of all persons in it," according to a story by "The World" newspaper in 1861.

To help ensure his safety, President Franklin D. Roosevelt campaigned and traveled in a specially fortified railroad car, the "Ferdinand Magellan."

United Press reporter Merriman Smith, who often accompanied FDR on his train travels, described how the private railcar had been fortified. "The under part of the car is heavily shielded with steel to make it bottom-heavy in the event an assassin tried to bomb the train. The heavy weight would make the car sit down rather than turn over.

"The windows are three inches thick and can stop a .50 caliber machine-gun slug at point-blank range. The windows, because of their thickness, are tinted a slight green which has the same effect as a color filter on a camera. The countryside can be seen through the windows in true color value regardless of glare or reflection."

About Edward Segal

Edward Segal is the nation’s top expert on the history of campaign trains, and their impact of elections, politics, journalism, and culture. He is one of the few people who has planned a modern-day whistle-stop campaign train tour and served as a campaign manager, press secretary, and aide to Democratic and Republican presidential and congressional candidates.

See the full news release at:

Contact Ed Segal: Direct Phone: 415-218-8600

See his book at Amazon at:

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Release sent by Mitchell P. Davis, Editor of the Yearbook of Experts.

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