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Use the RGA Business Expo to find your inner influencer!
Here are some steps:



How would you like to turn your presence and investment at the RGA Business Expo into an opportunity to become a small business influencer? It will involve some strategic planning and execution but IT IS POSSIBLE to use it as a springboard.

Here are some steps you can take to maximize your presence and build influence:

  1. Define your expertise and value proposition: Determine what makes your business unique and the expertise you can offer to other small business owners. Identify your strengths, whether it's marketing, finance, operations, or any other area that can provide value to others.
  2. Prepare compelling content: Create informative and engaging content that showcases your knowledge and expertise. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, or even live presentations at the Expo. Develop content that addresses common challenges faced by small business owners and provides practical solutions.
  3. Engage with attendees: Actively engage with expo attendees by initiating conversations, answering their questions, and providing helpful insights. Be approachable, enthusiastic, and genuinely interested in their businesses. Offer free consultations or mini-workshops to demonstrate your expertise and build relationships.
  4. Leverage social media: Utilize social media platforms to amplify your presence and reach a wider audience. Share updates about your participation in the Expo, teasers about the content you'll be providing, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your preparations. Use relevant hashtags, tag RGA as the expo organizers, and encourage attendees to follow and engage with you online.
  5. Network with other influencers and industry experts: Identify other influencers and industry experts attending or speaking at the Expo. Connect with them, attend any sessions, and engage in meaningful conversations. Collaborate on content, livestreams, or cross-promotions to expand your reach and establish credibility by association.
  6. Capture leads and follow up: Have a system in place to capture leads, such as business cards or digital sign-ups. Follow up with attendees after the Expo through personalized emails, offering additional resources, and inviting them to join your mailing list or follow your social media profiles. Provide ongoing value through newsletters or exclusive content.
  7. Offer post-expo resources: Extend the value of your Expo presence by offering post-expo resources such as downloadable guides, webinars, or exclusive discounts for attendees. This reinforces your expertise and helps you maintain a connection with potential clients or collaborators.
  8. Collaborate with event organizers: Engage with RGA as the Expo organizers to explore opportunities for collaboration beyond the event. For example: the new RGA Business Review publication. Offer to contribute guest blog posts, participate in panel discussions at RGA Speaks. Being associated with RGA can enhance your credibility as a small business influencer.
  9. Consistently create and share valuable content: To maintain your influence, continue creating and sharing valuable content on a regular basis. This could be through your own blog, social media channels, guest contributions, or collaborations with other influencers. Consistency and quality are key to building your reputation.

In review, it all comes down to a couple of things you have to do... 1) Provide valuable content 2) Collect and connect with your target audience through any of a hundred different ways at the Expo 3) Be consistent and committed to your goals.

Remember, building influence takes time and effort. Stay committed to your goals, nurture relationships, and consistently provide value to your audience. Over time, your presence and investment at the Expo can become a launching pad for becoming a recognized small business influencer.


Thank you for supporting RGA and its Mission to Connect Local Business Owners!


RGA Network 6486 150th Ave. North Clearwater, Florida 33760 United States (727) 433-2774

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