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Pure Peace Essential Oil from
Cyprus, Aromatic Water Spray and Lea's Sacred Wisdom Book


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Book and oil

Sarah, the Goddess of Peace has asked that a unique and pure peace essential oil and aromatic water spray with her signature vibration be created. Lea Chapin traveled to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus in February 2024 to work with Liven during that visit on these special formulations. They will now be available for purchase along with Lea Chapin’s new book “Sacred Wisdom
Teachings of Sarah, Goddess of Peace on Lea's website

The essential oil and aromatic water spray of Mediterranean pine were blessed by Sarah, and carry the vibration of peace, so that all souls can begin to embody this frequency. The oil and spray are to be used as an affirmation, to soothe the body, mind and spirit, and allow them to return to balance.

This is the affirmation prayer to be used when inhaling the essential oil or spray:

“Bless my mind, body and soul with eternal peace! May love, light and peace be with me now and always! And so it is.

Ascended Master Sarah, Goddess of Peace.


More About Lea:


Rev. Lea Chapin M.S.Ed, BS Psychology
Rev. Lea is an educator, psychotherapist, spiritual counselor and medium. In 1993, Lea began receiving divinely inspired messages from Spirit, when her gifts of clairaudience allowed her access to the truth teachings of the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms. Her life is now devoted to spiritual pursuits and empowering all who choose to reawaken to their own sacred balance and divinity.

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