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Congratulations Expert Click!
The 2024 Yearbook of Experts has gone to press!

 News Feed: Sunday, July 7, 2024 Subject: Questions for Experts – Plus get the 2024 Yearbook of Experts PDF.


News Feed: Sunday, July 7, 2024 Subject: Questions for Experts – Plus get the 2024 Yearbook of Experts PDF.


The 2024 Yearbook of Experts has gone to press.
The New York Times called it: “Dial-an-Expert.”
View or download at:


Today’s audio: hear how great our guests sound @ – Edward Segal and his new book: Whistle Stop Politics – about the history of presidential candidates who spoke on rail tours.

Contact Ed to have him on your show: **** ***415-218-8600


Featured Experts & Suggested Interview Questions:

< br>
Liah Kraft-Kristaine ***** 770-789-7500 ***** < br>

iah Kraft-Kristaine J.D. teaches skillsets and mindsets for powerful living, business building, and wealth strategies. After decades of presenting business and personal development, she is tackling the critical worldwide affordable housing problem. In her HOME 4 the HEART PROJECT, Liah teaches women, veterans, and others to build their own storm-hardy home for $50,000 in 30 days. Liah coaches entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals in promotion, professional speaking, and product skills. Educated in philosophy, law, and business, she built four successful businesses and two non-profits, practiced law, taught at a university, teaches real estate investing, wrote 19 books, was a Hollywood head-writer, spoke in 500 cities on four continents, and is a former broadcaster on CNN and PBS television. Her current video E-Courses: "The Happiness Tune-up", "Mastering Wealth", "Get Famous & Rich in Your Niche", and "Home 4 the Heart" series. Liah has been interviewed on "Oprah" and hundreds of media shows.


  1. Liah, you've had an incredibly diverse career ranging from law to broadcasting and now tackling affordable housing. Can you share a bit about your journey and what drives your passion for such varied fields?


  1. Your HOME 4 the HEART PROJECT aims to address the affordable housing crisis by teaching people to build storm-hardy homes for $50,000 in 30 days. What inspired this project?
  2. Can you walk us through the process of building one of these homes? What makes them storm-hardy?
  3. How do you ensure that participants, like women and veterans, can successfully build these homes? What kind of support do they receive?

Business and Personal Development

  1. You've coached entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals in various skills. What are the key attributes of a successful entrepreneur or executive?
  2. Your courses cover a range of topics, from wealth mastery to professional speaking. How do you tailor your approach to meet the diverse needs of your clients?

Professional Experience

  1. With your background in philosophy, law, and business, how do these disciplines influence your approach to teaching and coaching?
  2. You've built four successful businesses and two non-profits. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them?

Media and Writing

  1. As a former Hollywood head-writer and broadcaster, how do you leverage your media experience in your current work?
  2. You've written 19 books and spoken in 500 cities. How do you manage to stay productive and motivated across such a demanding schedule?

E-Courses and Personal Insights

  1. Your current video E-Courses cover topics like happiness, wealth, and niche fame. Which of these courses are you most excited about and why?
  2. What was it like being interviewed on "Oprah" and other media shows? Any memorable moments you'd like to share?

Future Plans

  1. What are your future plans for the HOME 4 the HEART PROJECT and your other ventures?
  2. Do you have any advice for our audience on how to achieve their goals and lead a powerful, fulfilling life?


  1. Where can our audience find more information about your courses and projects?

These questions should help facilitate an engaging and insightful conversation with Liah Kraft-Kristaine.


Dr. Howard Rankin --- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
Contact: ***** 843-247-2980 *****


Stress and Wearable Devices

As wearable devices become more reliable and sophisticated, questions will arise about how each of the various measures like Heart Rate Variability, Blood glucose, blood pressure, etc., contribute to the identification and measurement of different types of stress.

If you Google something like “how many types of stress are there?” you will unquestionably become stressed by the fact that are numerous different answers.

The biggest differentiator is between acute and chronic stress. Acute stress subsides fairly quickly and the mind-body returns to normal , but chronic stress begins to alter fundamental physiology making it much more dangerous and detectable.

Other types of stress refer more to the origins of the problem and are identified as

Physiological stressors.

Lifestyle stressors.

Major life event stressors.

Organizational stressors.

Financial stressors.

Social stressors.

Environmental stressors.

If you were to ask ChatGPT about the different physical manifestations of stress, it would probably come up with something like this:

Muscle Tension: Stress can cause muscles to tense up, leading to headaches, neck pain, backaches, and overall stiffness in the body.

Headaches: Tension headaches or migraines are often triggered or exacerbated by stress.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Stress can affect the digestive system, leading to symptoms such as stomachaches, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

Cardiovascular Changes: Stress can elevate heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart palpitations, chest pain, and hypertension.

Respiratory Symptoms: Stress may lead to shallow or rapid breathing, chest tightness, or exacerbation of respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Skin Problems: Stress can worsen existing skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis. It may also cause hives, itching, or general skin sensitivity.

Sleep Disturbances: Stress often disrupts sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, or experiencing restless sleep.

Fatigue: Chronic stress can result in persistent fatigue, even after adequate rest, due to the constant activation of the body's stress response system.

Changes in Appetite: Stress can affect appetite, leading to overeating or undereating. Some people may turn to food as a coping mechanism, leading to weight gain, while others may experience a loss of appetite and weight loss.

Weakened Immune System: Prolonged stress can suppress the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections, colds, and other illnesses.

Sexual Dysfunction: Stress can contribute to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction in men, and menstrual irregularities in women.

Increased Pain Sensitivity: Stress can amplify the perception of pain, making pre-existing chronic pain conditions feel more intense.

Stress is obviously a complicated construct but hopefully, with regular reliable measurement of different systems and metrics, we can become more astute at discerning types of stress, how they manifest and the best ways of managing them.

Introduction to Stress and Wearable Devices

  1. With the rise of wearable devices, how have they become more reliable and sophisticated in measuring stress?
  2. Can you explain how wearable devices measure metrics like Heart Rate Variability, blood glucose, and blood pressure to identify stress?

Types of Stress

  1. There are numerous definitions and types of stress. Could you clarify the main differences between acute and chronic stress?
  2. How do different origins of stress, such as physiological, lifestyle, and financial stressors, impact our overall health?

Physical Manifestations of Stress

  1. What are some common physical manifestations of stress that people might not immediately recognize?
  2. How do chronic stress and acute stress differently affect the body’s physiology over time?

Role of Wearable Devices

  1. How can wearable devices help individuals monitor and manage their stress levels more effectively?
  2. Are there any limitations to using wearable devices for stress measurement that people should be aware of?

Managing Stress

  1. Given the different types of stress, what are some effective strategies for managing chronic stress specifically?
  2. How can understanding the physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle tension and gastrointestinal issues, help in early detection and management?

Insights from Wearable Data

  1. What insights can we gain from the regular and reliable measurement of stress-related metrics through wearable devices?
  2. Can you share any examples or success stories where wearable devices significantly helped someone manage their stress?

Future of Wearable Technology

  1. What advancements do you foresee in the future for wearable devices in relation to stress detection and management?
  2. How can integrating wearable data with other health data improve our overall understanding and treatment of stress?

Personal Experience and Advice

  1. Have you personally used any wearable devices to monitor your stress levels? If so, what has been your experience?
  2. What advice would you give to someone considering using a wearable device to monitor their stress?

Broader Implications

  1. How can organizations and workplaces benefit from incorporating wearable stress monitoring for their employees?
  2. What role do you think healthcare providers should play in promoting the use of wearable devices for stress management?

These questions aim to cover the technical aspects of wearable devices, the various types and manifestations of stress, practical management strategies, and future implications of using wearable technology for stress monitoring.


Dr Gaby Cora MD MBA
Contact: 305-762-7632

Dr. Cora is president of CoraLG, Inc. focusing on AI applications in the HealthTech industry. She's a medical doctor, corporate leadership consultant, psychiatry diplomate, MBA, and a Harvard Business School alumna. 

Dr. Cora is an international consultant and speaker, and has been contracted by  companies including The Coca-Cola Company, The Cleveland Clinic, Universal Group, The World Bank, Pharmaceutical companies, and Healthcare industries. Dr. Cora pioneered the use of Telemedicine in her practice and sought opportunities to reverse burnout and achieve wellbeing before they became mainstream. 

She's the author of's Leading Under Pressure: Strategies to Avoid Burnout, Increase Energy, and Improve Your Wellbeing (Career Press, 2010). She's quoted regularly in printed media and has appeared on national television including FOX, CNN, and Lifetime Television (English) and Univision and Telemundo (Spanish). Dr. Cora's motto is Say Think Do Good. She lives in Miami with her family.

Question for Dr. Cora:

Background and Career

  1. Dr. Cora, you have a diverse background, including medicine, psychiatry, and business. How did you transition from being a medical doctor to focusing on AI applications in HealthTech?
  2. Can you tell us more about your role as president of CoraLG, Inc., and the kind of AI applications you're working on in the HealthTech industry?

Consulting and Speaking

  1. You’ve worked with major organizations like The Coca-Cola Company, The Cleveland Clinic, and The World Bank. What are some key insights you've gained from consulting with these diverse industries?
  2. What are the common challenges you observe in corporate leadership, and how do you address them in your consultations?

Telemedicine and Burnout

  1. You pioneered the use of Telemedicine in your practice. What inspired you to adopt this approach early on, and how has it evolved over the years?
  2. Burnout is a significant issue in many industries today. What strategies do you recommend for individuals and organizations to prevent burnout and promote well-being?

Publications and Media Presence

  1. Your book "Leading Under Pressure" offers strategies to avoid burnout and improve well-being. Can you share some key takeaways from the book?
  2. You are frequently quoted in media and have appeared on various national television networks. How do you leverage your media presence to influence public opinion on health and well-being?

AI in HealthTech

  1. How do you see AI transforming the HealthTech industry, and what are some of the most promising applications currently in development?
  2. What are the ethical considerations and challenges associated with implementing AI in healthcare, and how do you address them?

Personal Motto and Philosophy

  1. Your motto is "Say Think Do Good." Can you explain what this means to you and how it guides your professional and personal life?
  2. Living in Miami, how do you balance your professional responsibilities with family life and personal well-being?

Future Goals and Projects

  1. What are some of the upcoming projects or initiatives you are excited about at CoraLG, Inc.?
  2. Are you working on any new books or publications that we can look forward to?

Broader Impact and Vision

  1. How do you envision the future of healthcare with the integration of AI and other advanced technologies?
  2. What advice would you give to young professionals aspiring to make a significant impact in the HealthTech industry?

These questions cover Dr. Cora's diverse expertise, her contributions to various industries, her approach to well-being and burnout, and her vision for the future of HealthTech.


Here’s what’s going on with four of other sites & projects: Helping non-profits, like: Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives --- Here’s recent release about the legacy of the group: Salute to IPA Leadership -- Dan Tyler Moore, JR ---

… we are thinking about an Expert Witness websites;– see the concept here: For more info, please request to join the LinkedIN group here:

…and where members can send news releases with 7 keystrokes.


NewsTip: Hacking Artificial Intelligence -- An interesting magazine I subscribe to is 2600 – The Hackers Quarterly – there is a story in the April issue about hacking Artificial Intelligence --- ““Trust Me, I'm a Professional." How to Social Engineer AI to Bypass Learned Ethics” -- Buy a copy for $6 here:


Looking for fresh perceive on US politics – Meet Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant, for Switzerland -- He’s six hours ahead timewise so he is perfect for a morning radio show.

Contact via e-mail to set up:

About: Dr. Louis Perron is a political scientist and consultant based in Switzerland. During the past years, he has won more than two dozen competitive election and referenda campaigns in six countries. His clients include presidents, senators, congressmen, governors and mayors. He is the author of the book 'How to Overcome the Power of Incumbency in Election Campaigns'. Earlier in his career, Louis earned a M.A. in political management at the George Washington University in Washington D.C. He is blogging about the art & science of successful election and referenda campaigns, political marketing, public opinion research and crisis management at

Mitchell P. Davis
Editor & Publisher
(202) 333-5000 rings on my desk.

Click to to open and read all releases or click on release of interest.

*Fixing Damaged Trust

*From Novice to Pro: Key Elements of Day Trading Success

*Stop “Acting” Like An Expert

*Test of HTML --- Yearbook for Feed

*903 – Beware and be aware: Tom talks QR Codes Can Be Dangerous

*Getting Google Reviews Published

*Radiant Skin and Gut Health

*Pain Is Personal and It Can’t Simply Be Rated As It Is Now

*'The City Beautiful' Looks for Travel PR

*Independence From Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.

*Body Positive Kids: Cultivating Confidence and Self-Love

*Love Letters to a Serial Killer Reviewed by Ekta R. Garg of

*Automakers are Backtracking on Their Ambitious EV Plans – Is This a Big Mistake?

*Unlock Fast Learning With These AI Tools

*Terry Crews and Richard Koch (#752)

*Would Jefferson, Franklin, and Paine recognize this fight?

*The world needs a self-confident but humble America

*Family Meals Boost Mental Health for All Ages

*Diving Into the World of Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions A Simplified Explanation

*Feel Free to Show Gratitude – The Better Newsletter #40

*Are You a Caregiver Missing Out on Life’s Opportunities?

*Let the Sparks Fly! Midyear Motivation for Leaders

*The Home Stretch of the 2024 Global Elections

*Lernen Sie unsere Hauptrednerin für die Women|Future 2024 kennen: Heather Hoytink von PepsiCo

*June 2024 – Monthly Changelog

The New York Times called it: “Dial-an-Expert.”
View or download at:


Today’s audio: hear how great our guests sound @ – Edward Segal and his new book: Whistle Stop Politics – about the history of presidential candidates who spoke on rail tours.

Contact Ed to have him on your show: **** ***415-218-8600


Featured Experts & Suggested Interview Questions:

< br>
Liah Kraft-Kristaine ***** 770-789-7500 ***** < br>

iah Kraft-Kristaine J.D. teaches skillsets and mindsets for powerful living, business building, and wealth strategies. After decades of presenting business and personal development, she is tackling the critical worldwide affordable housing problem. In her HOME 4 the HEART PROJECT, Liah teaches women, veterans, and others to build their own storm-hardy home for $50,000 in 30 days. Liah coaches entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals in promotion, professional speaking, and product skills. Educated in philosophy, law, and business, she built four successful businesses and two non-profits, practiced law, taught at a university, teaches real estate investing, wrote 19 books, was a Hollywood head-writer, spoke in 500 cities on four continents, and is a former broadcaster on CNN and PBS television. Her current video E-Courses: "The Happiness Tune-up", "Mastering Wealth", "Get Famous & Rich in Your Niche", and "Home 4 the Heart" series. Liah has been interviewed on "Oprah" and hundreds of media shows.


  1. Liah, you've had an incredibly diverse career ranging from law to broadcasting and now tackling affordable housing. Can you share a bit about your journey and what drives your passion for such varied fields?


  1. Your HOME 4 the HEART PROJECT aims to address the affordable housing crisis by teaching people to build storm-hardy homes for $50,000 in 30 days. What inspired this project?
  2. Can you walk us through the process of building one of these homes? What makes them storm-hardy?
  3. How do you ensure that participants, like women and veterans, can successfully build these homes? What kind of support do they receive?

Business and Personal Development

  1. You've coached entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals in various skills. What are the key attributes of a successful entrepreneur or executive?
  2. Your courses cover a range of topics, from wealth mastery to professional speaking. How do you tailor your approach to meet the diverse needs of your clients?

Professional Experience

  1. With your background in philosophy, law, and business, how do these disciplines influence your approach to teaching and coaching?
  2. You've built four successful businesses and two non-profits. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them?

Media and Writing

  1. As a former Hollywood head-writer and broadcaster, how do you leverage your media experience in your current work?
  2. You've written 19 books and spoken in 500 cities. How do you manage to stay productive and motivated across such a demanding schedule?

E-Courses and Personal Insights

  1. Your current video E-Courses cover topics like happiness, wealth, and niche fame. Which of these courses are you most excited about and why?
  2. What was it like being interviewed on "Oprah" and other media shows? Any memorable moments you'd like to share?

Future Plans

  1. What are your future plans for the HOME 4 the HEART PROJECT and your other ventures?
  2. Do you have any advice for our audience on how to achieve their goals and lead a powerful, fulfilling life?


  1. Where can our audience find more information about your courses and projects?

These questions should help facilitate an engaging and insightful conversation with Liah Kraft-Kristaine.


Dr. Howard Rankin --- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
Contact: ***** 843-247-2980 *****


Stress and Wearable Devices

As wearable devices become more reliable and sophisticated, questions will arise about how each of the various measures like Heart Rate Variability, Blood glucose, blood pressure, etc., contribute to the identification and measurement of different types of stress.

If you Google something like “how many types of stress are there?” you will unquestionably become stressed by the fact that are numerous different answers.

The biggest differentiator is between acute and chronic stress. Acute stress subsides fairly quickly and the mind-body returns to normal , but chronic stress begins to alter fundamental physiology making it much more dangerous and detectable.

Other types of stress refer more to the origins of the problem and are identified as

Physiological stressors.

Lifestyle stressors.

Major life event stressors.

Organizational stressors.

Financial stressors.

Social stressors.

Environmental stressors.

If you were to ask ChatGPT about the different physical manifestations of stress, it would probably come up with something like this:

Muscle Tension: Stress can cause muscles to tense up, leading to headaches, neck pain, backaches, and overall stiffness in the body.

Headaches: Tension headaches or migraines are often triggered or exacerbated by stress.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Stress can affect the digestive system, leading to symptoms such as stomachaches, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

Cardiovascular Changes: Stress can elevate heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart palpitations, chest pain, and hypertension.

Respiratory Symptoms: Stress may lead to shallow or rapid breathing, chest tightness, or exacerbation of respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Skin Problems: Stress can worsen existing skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis. It may also cause hives, itching, or general skin sensitivity.

Sleep Disturbances: Stress often disrupts sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, or experiencing restless sleep.

Fatigue: Chronic stress can result in persistent fatigue, even after adequate rest, due to the constant activation of the body's stress response system.

Changes in Appetite: Stress can affect appetite, leading to overeating or undereating. Some people may turn to food as a coping mechanism, leading to weight gain, while others may experience a loss of appetite and weight loss.

Weakened Immune System: Prolonged stress can suppress the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections, colds, and other illnesses.

Sexual Dysfunction: Stress can contribute to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction in men, and menstrual irregularities in women.

Increased Pain Sensitivity: Stress can amplify the perception of pain, making pre-existing chronic pain conditions feel more intense.

Stress is obviously a complicated construct but hopefully, with regular reliable measurement of different systems and metrics, we can become more astute at discerning types of stress, how they manifest and the best ways of managing them.

Introduction to Stress and Wearable Devices

  1. With the rise of wearable devices, how have they become more reliable and sophisticated in measuring stress?
  2. Can you explain how wearable devices measure metrics like Heart Rate Variability, blood glucose, and blood pressure to identify stress?

Types of Stress

  1. There are numerous definitions and types of stress. Could you clarify the main differences between acute and chronic stress?
  2. How do different origins of stress, such as physiological, lifestyle, and financial stressors, impact our overall health?

Physical Manifestations of Stress

  1. What are some common physical manifestations of stress that people might not immediately recognize?
  2. How do chronic stress and acute stress differently affect the body’s physiology over time?

Role of Wearable Devices

  1. How can wearable devices help individuals monitor and manage their stress levels more effectively?
  2. Are there any limitations to using wearable devices for stress measurement that people should be aware of?

Managing Stress

  1. Given the different types of stress, what are some effective strategies for managing chronic stress specifically?
  2. How can understanding the physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle tension and gastrointestinal issues, help in early detection and management?

Insights from Wearable Data

  1. What insights can we gain from the regular and reliable measurement of stress-related metrics through wearable devices?
  2. Can you share any examples or success stories where wearable devices significantly helped someone manage their stress?

Future of Wearable Technology

  1. What advancements do you foresee in the future for wearable devices in relation to stress detection and management?
  2. How can integrating wearable data with other health data improve our overall understanding and treatment of stress?

Personal Experience and Advice

  1. Have you personally used any wearable devices to monitor your stress levels? If so, what has been your experience?
  2. What advice would you give to someone considering using a wearable device to monitor their stress?

Broader Implications

  1. How can organizations and workplaces benefit from incorporating wearable stress monitoring for their employees?
  2. What role do you think healthcare providers should play in promoting the use of wearable devices for stress management?

These questions aim to cover the technical aspects of wearable devices, the various types and manifestations of stress, practical management strategies, and future implications of using wearable technology for stress monitoring.


Dr Gaby Cora MD MBA
Contact: 305-762-7632

Dr. Cora is president of CoraLG, Inc. focusing on AI applications in the HealthTech industry. She's a medical doctor, corporate leadership consultant, psychiatry diplomate, MBA, and a Harvard Business School alumna. 

Dr. Cora is an international consultant and speaker, and has been contracted by  companies including The Coca-Cola Company, The Cleveland Clinic, Universal Group, The World Bank, Pharmaceutical companies, and Healthcare industries. Dr. Cora pioneered the use of Telemedicine in her practice and sought opportunities to reverse burnout and achieve wellbeing before they became mainstream. 

She's the author of's Leading Under Pressure: Strategies to Avoid Burnout, Increase Energy, and Improve Your Wellbeing (Career Press, 2010). She's quoted regularly in printed media and has appeared on national television including FOX, CNN, and Lifetime Television (English) and Univision and Telemundo (Spanish). Dr. Cora's motto is Say Think Do Good. She lives in Miami with her family.

Question for Dr. Cora:

Background and Career

  1. Dr. Cora, you have a diverse background, including medicine, psychiatry, and business. How did you transition from being a medical doctor to focusing on AI applications in HealthTech?
  2. Can you tell us more about your role as president of CoraLG, Inc., and the kind of AI applications you're working on in the HealthTech industry?

Consulting and Speaking

  1. You’ve worked with major organizations like The Coca-Cola Company, The Cleveland Clinic, and The World Bank. What are some key insights you've gained from consulting with these diverse industries?
  2. What are the common challenges you observe in corporate leadership, and how do you address them in your consultations?

Telemedicine and Burnout

  1. You pioneered the use of Telemedicine in your practice. What inspired you to adopt this approach early on, and how has it evolved over the years?
  2. Burnout is a significant issue in many industries today. What strategies do you recommend for individuals and organizations to prevent burnout and promote well-being?

Publications and Media Presence

  1. Your book "Leading Under Pressure" offers strategies to avoid burnout and improve well-being. Can you share some key takeaways from the book?
  2. You are frequently quoted in media and have appeared on various national television networks. How do you leverage your media presence to influence public opinion on health and well-being?

AI in HealthTech

  1. How do you see AI transforming the HealthTech industry, and what are some of the most promising applications currently in development?
  2. What are the ethical considerations and challenges associated with implementing AI in healthcare, and how do you address them?

Personal Motto and Philosophy

  1. Your motto is "Say Think Do Good." Can you explain what this means to you and how it guides your professional and personal life?
  2. Living in Miami, how do you balance your professional responsibilities with family life and personal well-being?

Future Goals and Projects

  1. What are some of the upcoming projects or initiatives you are excited about at CoraLG, Inc.?
  2. Are you working on any new books or publications that we can look forward to?

Broader Impact and Vision

  1. How do you envision the future of healthcare with the integration of AI and other advanced technologies?
  2. What advice would you give to young professionals aspiring to make a significant impact in the HealthTech industry?

These questions cover Dr. Cora's diverse expertise, her contributions to various industries, her approach to well-being and burnout, and her vision for the future of HealthTech.


Here’s what’s going on with four of other sites & projects: Helping non-profits, like: Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives --- Here’s recent release about the legacy of the group: Salute to IPA Leadership -- Dan Tyler Moore, JR ---

… we are thinking about an Expert Witness websites;– see the concept here: For more info, please request to join the LinkedIN group here:

…and where members can send news releases with 7 keystrokes.


NewsTip: Hacking Artificial Intelligence -- An interesting magazine I subscribe to is 2600 – The Hackers Quarterly – there is a story in the April issue about hacking Artificial Intelligence --- ““Trust Me, I'm a Professional." How to Social Engineer AI to Bypass Learned Ethics” -- Buy a copy for $6 here:


Looking for fresh perceive on US politics – Meet Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant, for Switzerland -- He’s six hours ahead timewise so he is perfect for a morning radio show.

Contact via e-mail to set up:

About: Dr. Louis Perron is a political scientist and consultant based in Switzerland. During the past years, he has won more than two dozen competitive election and referenda campaigns in six countries. His clients include presidents, senators, congressmen, governors and mayors. He is the author of the book 'How to Overcome the Power of Incumbency in Election Campaigns'. Earlier in his career, Louis earned a M.A. in political management at the George Washington University in Washington D.C. He is blogging about the art & science of successful election and referenda campaigns, political marketing, public opinion research and crisis management at

Mitchell P. Davis
Editor & Publisher
(202) 333-5000 rings on my desk.

Click to to open and read all releases or click on release of interest.

*Fixing Damaged Trust

*From Novice to Pro: Key Elements of Day Trading Success

*Stop “Acting” Like An Expert

*Test of HTML --- Yearbook for Feed

*903 – Beware and be aware: Tom talks QR Codes Can Be Dangerous

*Getting Google Reviews Published

*Radiant Skin and Gut Health

*Pain Is Personal and It Can’t Simply Be Rated As It Is Now

*'The City Beautiful' Looks for Travel PR

*Independence From Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.

*Body Positive Kids: Cultivating Confidence and Self-Love

*Love Letters to a Serial Killer Reviewed by Ekta R. Garg of

*Automakers are Backtracking on Their Ambitious EV Plans – Is This a Big Mistake?

*Unlock Fast Learning With These AI Tools

*Terry Crews and Richard Koch (#752)

*Would Jefferson, Franklin, and Paine recognize this fight?

*The world needs a self-confident but humble America

*Family Meals Boost Mental Health for All Ages

*Diving Into the World of Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions A Simplified Explanation

*Feel Free to Show Gratitude – The Better Newsletter #40

*Are You a Caregiver Missing Out on Life’s Opportunities?

*Let the Sparks Fly! Midyear Motivation for Leaders

*The Home Stretch of the 2024 Global Elections

*Lernen Sie unsere Hauptrednerin für die Women|Future 2024 kennen: Heather Hoytink von PepsiCo

*June 2024 – Monthly Changelog
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