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Your're Invited to party with us in the Hamptons!!!
Bedside Reading is Celebrating 7 years!


Monday, August 12, 2024

Dear Friends,


This month is our 7th anniversary!!!!


Let's celebrate! You're invited! Cocktails and Books! at Capri Southampton Hotel on Wednesday Aug 21st 4 - 6 PM




And if you want dinner afterward, make your reservations here!

Crafted by visionary Jamie Mulholland, renowned for iconic establishments like Surf Lodge, Gold Bar, and Cain, our distinctive concept seamlessly blends exceptional dining with an exhilarating nightlife experience, all under one roof. Indulge in a menu crafted by James Beard Honoree, Sean Olnowich, that showcases the best of modern American cuisine, placing a strong emphasis on utilizing seasonal produce and an unwavering commitment to sourcing locally-sourced ingredients. Ketchy Beach is located at the Capri Southampton. Dinner is available Wednesday through Sunday from 5pm to 10pm and brunch on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 4pm. Music and entertainment are available Wednesday through Sunday from 5pm to late. Reservations are now live on Resy. For more information, follow @ketchybeach.


It's Been a Big Weekend in the Hamptons!


Saturday Night, August 10th was

?the 20th Anniversary of

Authors Night — A Literary Celebration!


Seeing old friends, making new ones. Authors and readers connect again in East Hampton to benefit the East Hampton Library!

Zibby Owens and

Jane Ubell-Meyer

Jane Rosen

Elizabeth Dolan Carey &

Mary McCartney

Elizabeth Birkelund with friend

Jill Santopalo

Liz McNeil with her co-author beside her RoseMarie Terenzio.

Stan Herman with one of my friends from my producing days at GMA, Dan Scheffey!

Diana Nyad

Left: Christy Cashman with Shannon Pastuszak, Jane & Lisa Barr and Alec Baldwin!


This summer, I jumped into a challenging course on publishing—One of the challenges was to write a book in 7 days and then publish it on Amazon!


On day #8, with the help of my friends who kindly bought the book, it launched as a #1 Bestseller on Amazon!


I would love for you to help me keep the momentum going! If you feel so inclined (it's a quick read - only 30 pages!)


Head over to this link and buy here!


Mill House Inn, East Hampton, NY


One of our favorite places in East Hampton is The Mill House Inn.


When you first arrive at the Inn, you'll be greeted by the charming Windmill right outside—it's like a warm hug to start your stay! The fantastic hosts, Sylvia Muller, Kenny, Dawn, and Kelly, genuinely make you feel like you're their top guest.


Their hospitality is so genuine, and it's always like coming home. I've been visiting the Hamptons for years, and each time, I’m welcomed with delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies and an abundance of warmth and care.


The rooms are pure bliss, from the super-soft bedding (I swear, the thread count is so high it’s like a dream!) to the bathtubs with those delightful mini massaging jets. Everything is thoughtfully designed to offer a luxurious and private retreat.


And let me tell you, the chef serves up the most incredible Sunday breakfasts in the Hamptons—hands down!


We stayed in the Hemingway Suite, and our Bedside Reading books were appropriate and lovely touch. (To clarify, this isn’t a “paid” endorsement; it’s simply a fantastic place you won’t want to miss!)--

From Jane & Rick--thank you!

Kelly, one of our hosts is above.

Below: You will want to stay in any suite, but #20 is the Hemingway Suite is one of our favorites!

A bounty of beautiful books! Our authors' books can be found (as a complimentary gift at our Hamptons Hotel partners: 1708 House Southampton, Baker House 1650, Beachcomber Resort & Spa, Journey East Hampton, Marram Montauk, Maidstone Hotel, Mill House Inn, Southampton Inn

Above: Marram Montauk.

Below: Capri Southampton

Above Baker House 1650

Below: Journey East Hampton

Below: Beachcomber Resort & Spa, Montauk

Below: Maidstone Hotel

Below: Beachcomber Resort & Spa, Montauk

Beachcomber Resort & Spa, Montauk

Below:Journey East Hamptons

Above: Beachcomber

Below: 1708 House Southampton

1708 House (left, above and Below

So Proud of our Bestselling Authors!


In "I Got It From Here" you share deeply personal experiences. What motivated you to write this memoir, and what do you hope readers will take away from your story?


I’ve always felt a pull towards healing and a desire to connect with others in a way that inspires them to do the same. I never imagined I would do so by writing a book. It just so happens that’s how my journey unfolded.


I spent the darkest years of my life battling with my ex-husband for custody of our young sons. Oftentimes, throughout the ordeal, I sensed a little ball of light flickering in the distance of my mind. I know that sounds weird, and I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it was trying to get my attention. Of course, I ignored it and kept my focus on the drama at hand. I shared my painful story with anyone who would listen. You should write a book, some would say. The light would flicker, and from somewhere deep within a soft, still voice would whisper, yes.


I tossed the idea around in my mind for several years before I ran it by a close contact in the publishing industry who discouraged me from writing it. He tried to convince me no one would be interested in my story because I wasn’t a celebrity. Dream squashed. Story left untold. But the whispering yes lingered.


The universe must have known I needed a nudge, it delivered one from a radiologist. You have invasive breast cancer. My first thought was my children, I feared I would leave them too young. My second thought was the book, I feared I would die without having written it.

Soon after my treatment, I sat down to write. The story poured out of me; the words seemed to flow through me. So did the tears. I knew I wasn’t the only woman who needed to release the past and begin again. I knew other women would relate to my raw honesty. I decided to share my story with the world in the hope that it would help others heal.


Your memoir involves family and marital elements. Could you discuss the role of heritage and tradition in shaping your narrative, and how these elements influenced your life's trajectory?

I shushed my inner voice as a little girl in the 1970s and lived according to the senseless protocol of my Italian relatives in Queens, NY. I was surrounded by identical brick townhomes occupied by cousins and friends whose families behaved just like mine yet judged each other for doing so. I learned to keep up appearances, but behind closed doors my parents’ toxic marriage served as a blueprint for dysfunction. My emotional well-being was collateral damage of their troubled minds. A lack of love from my narcissistic father left me empty and desperate. Rage that erupted from my frustrated mother forced me to conform. Believing I was alone in my anguish made me think there was something wrong with me. Desperate to fit in and be loved, and trained to believe marriage was the ultimate symbol of success, I ignored glaring red flags and married a man I did not love.

I lost precious years of my life trying to escape from my ex-husband’s abuse. I struggled like a madwoman, unable to break free. The more I tried the worse things seem to get. I was a broken girl trying to fix my problems from the same brokenness that caused them. I kept at it, proud of my ability to persevere. Surviving felt like thriving, chaos and dysfunction felt like home. 

Distressing circumstances and dysfunctional relationships kept showing up in my life until I was literally on my knees begging for peace. That’s when I found A Course in Miracles. One of my favorite quotes from the Course is:

“Let me look on the world I see as the representation of my own state of mind.”

Whatever I was experiencing externally was simply showing me what was going on internally. That wasn’t easy to accept at first, but once I did, I took back ownership of my life.


Memoirs often resonate with readers on a universal level, despite their unique individual stories. What universal themes or lessons do you believe readers will connect with in "I Got It From Here" regardless of their own backgrounds?


Readers will connect with the suffering that comes from ignoring gut feelings and denying oneself. They will be empowered to listen to their inner voice and follow their inner guide.

Readers will recognize patterns of generational trauma and be motivated to break dysfunctional cycles in their own families.

I hope the ending inspires readers to take an honest look within and humbly begin their healing journey.

The themes of my book very much reflect the mission of my coaching practice, Protagonist Within LLC. “In order to be the Protagonist of your story you must look Within to heal.”


Memoirs often involve a process of reflection and introspection. How did writing about your life help you understand your own journey and identity as the "I Got It From Here"?


When I first sat down to write my book, I thought it would be an angry, vindictive telling of what my ex did to me. But as I feverishly typed away, it turned out to be a cathartic release of the past. I came to realize my mental and emotional state, my thoughts, and my nervous system were what caused my angst. The story had always been mine; I was the protagonist. And the protagonist gets to decide how the story unfolds. It’s empowering to take back ownership of your life. It’s a beautiful moment when you learn to trust your inner voice and confidently say, “I Got It from Here”.



Traveling this summer?

?Take us with you! France, Germany, New York, Seattle...

If you don't know anything about bedside reading--here are the cliff notes! (remember them?) We place books by the bedsides in luxury hotels, in the media (social, print, even our own magazine). We work with many partners do achieve bestseller status and sales. We are stepping into the A.I. world (ever so gently) and we are constantly investigating and testing the lastest book marketing tools.

Congratulations to Carolyn Clarke--A Bestseller!


Vacation Plans? Our hotel partners are here!



We'd like to welcome our newest hotel partners!



Tools for all Authors!



We use them and you should too!


An inexpensive way to constantly promote yourself and your books!


Meet our friends at BookMarks Store.


They are giving all Bedside Reading authors a discount!





Please note:

?BookMarks Store has generously offered us an affiliate commission, we are open to receiving and we will donate any commissions to a children's literary charity!



-Jane Ubell-Meyer, Founder

Be sure to tell Jane you learned about your anniversary on LinktoEXPERT?
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