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With Purpose:
Conscious Capitalism August newsletter



Quote to Live By


Creating profit is part of a business activity, but it's certainly not its purpose. The purpose of business, from our perspective, is to create profitable solutions to the problems of people, place, and planet.


—  Jay Jakub, Executive Chief of Staff, the Economics of Mutuality Alliance


New From the Blog


Future-proofing capitalism involves evolving the system to ensure its sustainability and relevance in an ever-changing world. As we face global challenges such as climate change, technological disruption, and growing economic inequality, it is essential to adapt the principles of capitalism to be more inclusive, resilient, and responsive. 


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In the latest episode of The Conscious Capitalists podcast, Timothy Henry and Raj Sisodia sit down with Jay Jakub, the Executive Chief of Staff at the Economics of Mutuality Alliance. 

They talk about what the Economics of Mutuality is, its positive economic impact, and more!

Tune into the Episode Here →


Upcoming Virtual Gathering


Empowering Change

How Purpose and Stakeholder Service Drive Innovation at Empower Pharmacy

Sept 10 • 3:00PM ET / 12:00PM PT

featuring Shaun Noorian

Founder & CEO, Empower Pharmacy and Empower Pharma

Join us as we delve into the innovative world of functional medicine and the crucial role pharmacies play in delivering personalized healthcare solutions. We'll explore how Empower Pharmacy, under the leadership of Shaun Noorian, became a pioneer in the industry.

Register Now →

Summit Speaker


We are thrilled to announce that Haley Rushing of The Purpose Institute, will be speaking at our upcoming CEO Summit!


Leading a workshop with Melissa Perrin, these two are sharing a new KPI Key Purpose Indicators.

Apply for the Summit →

Chapter Events


Austin • August 22

Conscious Culture


Atlanta • September 20

The Purpose Playbook: Turning Purpose into Practice


Columbus • October 9

Insights 2024

View More →

Join a vibrant community of Conscious Capitalists!


Our members are kicking off the summer with a Learning Sprint on the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide: Tools for Transforming Your Organization by Raj Sisodia, Timothy Henry, and Thomas Eckschmidt. In it, they will be working on strengthening the core of their mission and its impact on the world.


Interested? Join our membership waitlist (opening in August – just in time for our next Learning Sprint!) and snag the book here


Join the Waitlist →
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