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We're planning another party!
from Bedside Reading


September 2, 2024

Dear Friends,


Happy Labor Day!


I love September; It's Rick's birthday is on Wednesday, and it's my wedding anniversary on September 16th.


It's the start of the new school year and the Jewish new year. There is much to be grateful for and much to cherish.


Plus, the fall always inspires new projects!


Let's start with knitting--can't knit--no worries - hand-knitted pumpkins are just the thing!

So in love with these!


Another Author Event! And if you're in the Palm Springs area in October--join us!



Please tell Jane you heard about all her amazing events and offers from LinktoEXPERT.


This summer, I jumped into a challenging course on publishing—One of the challenges was to write a book in 7 days and then publish it on Amazon!


On day #8, with the help of my friends who kindly bought the book, it launched as a #1 Bestseller on Amazon!


I would love for you to help me keep the momentum going! If you feel so inclined (it's a quick read - only 30 pages!)


Head over to this link and buy here!


Great books at our Hamptons partners!

Top: Maidstone East Hampton, Marram Montauk.

(bottom left: Baker House 1650, 1708 House, Journey East Hampton, Mill House Inn East Hampton, Maidstone East Hampton, 1708 House, Baker House 1650, Beachcomber Montauk, Journey East Hampton)

So Proud of our Bestselling Authors!

Before moving to the rural West at age forty-two, Lynne Spriggs O’Connor curated exhibitions of folk and self-taught art at the High Museum in Atlanta. She spent ten summers on northern Montana’s Blackfeet Indian Reservation while pursuing fieldwork for her PhD in Native American Art History at Columbia University. She also worked in the film industry as Production Coordinator for Spalding Gray and Jonathan Demme on the iconic Swimming to Cambodia. After landing in Montana, she curated Bison: American Icon, a major permanent exhibit for the C.M. Russell Museum on bison in the Northern Plains. For the past fifteen years, she and her husband have lived on a cattle ranch in an isolated mountain valley in northeastern Montana, where her life centers on writing, animals, and family. Elk Love is her first memoir.


Q: ?How would you describe Elk Love in one (or maybe two) killer sentences?

Answer: Let’s see….. A world-weary museum curator and a bereaved rancher find love amidst the dazzling beauty of a cattle ranch in a hidden Montana mountain valley – a wide-open, wind-filled place where loneliness gives way to the wonders of bugling elk, dancing birds, and the wisdom of nature.


It’s about that dream we all have of escaping our everyday lives for a chance to experience something entirely different while falling very deeply in love.


How’s that?!


Q: What sparked the idea for this book?

Answer: Personal experiences – those involving a lot of grace, healing, and wonder – that have been transformative gifts in my own life, and that I imagined might also offer some hope and inspiration for others.


Q: It seems like Elk Love would make a great movie. Have any films influenced you?

Answer: I LOVE film and I’ve been lucky enough to work on a few! Some personal favorites that have influenced my writing include: Moonstruck, As Good As It Gets, Something’s Gotta Give, Jeremiah Johnson, My Octopus Teacher, All That Breathes, A River Runs Through It, Days of Heaven, Out of Africa, and My Life as a Turkey on PBS.


Q: Do you listen to music while you write, and if so, what kind?

Answer: If I listen to any music, it’s classical. Otherwise, I’m inspired by our valley’s howling winds, the springtime sound of our roaring creek, seeing and listening to flocks of birds feeding outside a window, the sound of my dog snoring next to me, a crackling fire in the wood stove, observing the way snow falls and light changes everything in wintertime without a sound.


Q: Do you have a target reader?

Answer: Women (and some men) 30-80 – who might yearn to escape the crush of their busy lives and, for a time, wander into a lost garden to explore a secret love of nature and animals. Anyone who is curious about the healing capacities of stepping outside one’s comfort (or discomfort!) zones and into the generous wisdom of what is wild - both precious and disturbing – in all of us.



Meet Lou Diamond!

Connector, Author, Speaker, Podcaster!

When I first started Bedside Reading, I met Lou Diamond, and we started placing his Thrive Authors podcasts in all of our hotels' digital libraries. Today, his Thrive Podcast is thriving with 1000's of CEOs, authors, and business leaders. He is an expert connector and teaches others how to make meaningful, long-lasting connections. Connect with Lou here:

Q. Where does EVERY connection without our lives begin?


A. EVERY connection in our lives begins with a good conversation. From our first contact with another human to every interaction we make within our lives the starting point of that relationship always begins with having a good conversation. 


Yet we all know not EVERY conversation we have leads to making a connection: The sales pitch doesn’t land the sale. The job interview doesn’t lead to you getting hired. The first date doesn’t turn into a second. 


Not every conversation in our lives leads to the connection we desire.


But what if it did? 


What if EVERY conversation led to making the connection you needed within your life within that moment?


What if EVERY time you speak with someone you achieve the goal you set out to?


What if EVERY conversation enabled you to connect, engage and win in business and life?


It was this line of thinking that led me to write SPEAK EASY: Connect with EVERY Conversation and share not what you need to say nor what you need to do…but HOW YOU NEED TO BE…every time you have a conversation.




Q. What is a Connected Leader?


A. A Connected Leader prioritizes relationships in everything they do. They care about you and the things you care about.


A Connected Leader understands the power of connection and is a leader people want to follow.


A Connected Leader is open, vulnerable, transparent and kind. They are trusted and trusting.


A Connected Leader thinks holistically vs. transactionally. They listen, coach, support, and empower.


A Connected Leader leverages their network to exponentially advance results for themselves and others.  


A Connected Leader is the type of leader needed to succeed in business today. 



Q. What is the Connected Leader Course?


A. In recognizing that a Connected Leader is what the world needs more of today, I partnered with the amazing Michelle Tillis Lederman - my connecting sister from another mister. We combined our connecting methodologies and designed a course for the aspiring leader who wants to take things to a new level, but knows they won’t get there alone. 


Through an 8-week peer cohort learning experience, the Connected Leader Course provides the foundational thinking and tactical skills of a connected leader, access advice from expert coaches and peers to exponentially advance results for themselves and others, and teaches how to build a culture and environment where people engage and build connected relationships right from the start.



Q4. What is the Connected Leader Club?


A4. After completing the Connected Leader Course you now have the foundations of a Connected Leader. 


How can you keep the momentum going?


By creating a community of leaders hungry for growth, we can reinforce the habits developed, provide access to expertise to navigate the hurdles, and build a supportive peer network to hold you accountable.


Most people are not getting what they need at their jobs and seek the relationships, support, and expertise elsewhere. 


That’s why we created The Club.





If you don't know anything about Bedside Reading, here are the cliff notes! (Remember them?) We place books by the bedsides in luxury hotels and in the media (social, print, even our own magazine). We work with many partners to achieve bestseller status and sales. We are stepping into the A.I. world (ever so gently) and constantly investigating and testing the latest book marketing tools.

Congratulations to Carolyn Clarke--A Bestseller!


Vacation Plans? Our hotel partners are here!



We'd like to welcome our newest hotel partners!



Tools for all Authors!



We use them and you should too!


An inexpensive way to constantly promote yourself and your books!


Meet our friends at BookMarks Store.


They are giving all Bedside Reading authors a discount!





Please note:

?BookMarks Store has generously offered us an affiliate commission, we are open to receiving and we will donate any commissions to a children's literary charity!



-Jane Ubell-Meyer, Founder

Authors Apply Here
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