Womaness and Womb Energy
The energy of your womb takes you way deeper within then your heart
Your womb is a physical space in your body that belongs to what is beyond your being
It is made for a being to physically form in it for a being to come into a body and there to form its own body wondrously all inside of someone. Someone else’s body enabling it to move as a being despite whatever level of separation or realness is present in that body
A being moving in someone else’s body because of growing in it a being moving in that body in that person appealing only to its being calling it back to what it also once was and ist able to be- loves reminder through another being in the same body
When you touch into your womb as awareness you are touching into the truth of all of this you are touching into knowledge that is beyond what you can understand but so deeply resonates draw you fills you. It is only when you know where you came from
And it is only that that tells you where you are going
If you are taken by something of what you know of what you came from as you are taken by that then you really are being and knowing what you came here for.